Based on the smash hit movie, Legally Blonde: The Musical follows the transformation of Elle Woods from a pink-loving SoCal sorority girl to a Harvard law student, all on her own terms. In this new production of the fabulously fun, award-winning Broadway musical, our blonde heroine tackles all obstacles, and educates us all on staying true to our dreams through rousing songs and dynamic show-stopping dance numbers. This feel-good musical comedy will be the most fashionable ticket in town and is so much fun, it should be illegal!
2hr 30min. Incl. intermission.
All Ages.
September 6th, 2024
September 29th, 2024
Director: Phaedra Tillery-Boughton
Co-Director: ShawnJ West
Choreography: Jill Jacobs
Cast list: Majesty Scott, Roeen Nooran, Mikki Johnson, Seth Hanson, Kaylee Milterson, Danielle Mendoza, Markaila Dyson, Hannah Martinez-Crow, Kimilie Stingily, Nelson Brown, Trixie Abala, Mickey Skinner, Isaac Goldberg, Kyle Laplana, Ted Sclavos, Jesus Pedroza Moreno, Daniel Sherman, CJ Strickland, Solana Husband, Mackenzie MacDonald, Brigette Losey, Katherine Bonn, Leslie Chocano, Mari Beazley, Edward Im, Jason Nunan, Z Hansen, Sydney Jacobs Allen
Design: Matt Owens
Costumes: Katie Dowse
Lighting: Weili Shi
Sound: Sharon Boggs
Other info: Musical direction by Jad Bernardo, graphic design by Yrving Torrealba, stage management by Lori Fowler, assistant stage management by Kevin Kress & Sara Barton-Weddle
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